Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Job Default Properties Dialog

Used to change the name, description, or owner of a selected job default. This dialog can also be used to convert a private job default to a public one and vice versa.

Note: Mandatory fields appear in bold type.
Name The name of the job default. Limited to 60 characters. A unique name is recommended but not required. The default name of a duplicate job default is "Copy of {name of original}."
Public Indicates whether the job default is public or private.
Description A description of the job default. Limited to 255 characters.
Owner The name of the person who is responsible for the job default.
Creator The name of the person who created the job default. System-generated.
Modified The date on which the job default was last modified. System-generated.
Created The date on which the job default was created. System-generated.
OK Closes the dialog and saves any changes.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.
Help Opens the Help topic for this dialog.